Pressing that button,
Paul continues, writing “God wanted to make known to them the glorious riches
of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory”
(Colossians 1:27). Here, it is helpful to replace the Greek “Christ” with
the Hebrew “Messiah,” re-reading the affected portion of the sentence to say
“this mystery among the Gentiles, which is the Messiah in you, the hope of
glory.” Paul places the Messiah in the midst of the Gentiles, referring
to Him as their hope, and ultimately to their confession of Him as Lord of all
as the foundation of their ability to participate in part of the Creator God’s
purposes for His covenant people, which is to reflect His glory into the world. With the ministry of Jesus as a guide, this
reflection of glory has substantially revealed itself as acts of self-sacrificial
Beginning with the
call of Abraham, this representation of the Creator God in and for the world had
been the task assigned exclusively to Israel, with the attached and concordant
blessings that would flow to them for successfully carrying out this
endeavor. That which indicated one’s status as a member of Israel were
the covenant markers to which have been referred ad nauseum. With the
coming of the Christ, and with the dawning of the new age of the new creation
portended by His Resurrection, with an ongoing sense of “already but not yet,”
this task is now assigned to the church of the Christ that is composed of all
Building to a
crescendo in this portion of his letter, Paul adds “We proclaim Him,” that
being His Lordship contra-Caesar and all of the world’s pretenders to power,
“by instructing and teaching with all wisdom,” though it may seem like the
height of foolishness to proclaim the imperial reign of one crucified by
Caesar, with such foolishness amplified by the subsequent and attached message
of that person’s resurrection from the dead, “so that we may present every
person mature in Christ” (1:28). One does well to hear “every person” as
yet another extension of the inclusive and world-embracing “all” which has
colored the first quarter of the letter.
Moving along to the
second chapter, Paul’s inclusive language expands, and we join together with
the gathered church at Colossae and hear “For in Him all the fullness of deity
lives in bodily form” (2:9). This “Him,” of course, is the previously
referenced “Messiah in you, the hope of glory.” Not only is there an
“all” in the filling that has resulted in “all the fullness of deity” dwelling
in Him in bodily form (a basic messianic premise), which should be heard
according to the melody that has been supplied to “all” in what has been heard
prior to this, but Paul emphasizes the totality of that filling, extending it
to the church, composed of Jews and Gentiles, looking at them as the
manifestation of Jesus in the world and writing “and you have been filled in
Him, who is the head over every ruler and authority” (2:10).
As can be seen and
heard, Paul not only provides assurance to Gentiles while also exhorting the
church in general, but he also seizes upon the opportunity to assert Jesus
Lordship and His kingdom as superior to all other kings and kingdoms.
Thusly he reminds all believers, both then and for all time, as to where their
patriotic loyalties should primarily lie, while also reminding them that their
loyalty to Jesus, to His kingdom, and to the call and demands of that kingdom,
will infiltrate all aspects of their lives.
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